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Sumani Venkat Vignanam కు స్వాగతం..సుస్వాగతం..... Welcome to our Blog.. This is universality purpose మీ కోసం.... only. ఈ బ్లాగ్ లో లభ్యమయ్యే సాంకేతిక విషయలను అందరూ సద్వినియోగం చేసుకుంటారని భావిస్తూ....రెండూ భాషల్లోనూ అనగా in Telugu & English భాషల్లో ప్రాధాన్యతనిస్తూ విషయాలను తెలియజేయటం జరుగుతుంది..ఈ విషయాలను అందరికీ బహుళ ప్రయోజనం కోసం తెలియజేయబడుతున్నాయి. కాబట్టి అందరూ వినియోగించుకోండి.జీవితం కరిగిపోయే మంచు..ఉన్నంతలో..తెలిసినంతలో మంచిని, విజ్నానాన్ని అందరికీ పంచు.

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ప్రియమైన విద్యార్థినీ విద్యార్థులారా.....!!

అచ్చు అక్షరాలలోని ఒక నగరం

పేరులో అన్నీ అచ్చు అక్షరాలే ఉన్నాయి

Aiea Statistics:

Population: 9,019
Households: 2,758
Median resident age: 41.7 years
Median household income: $71,155
Median house value: $340,500
Land area: 1.7 square miles
Elevation: 40 feet
Latitude: 21°23'N
Longitude: 157°55'W
Zip code: 96701
County: Honolulu

ఆ నగరం పేరు ను గమనించండి.

హవాయి దీవుల సంగతి తెలుసు కదా....!!

హవాయి దీవుల్లో ఉండే ఒకానొక నగరం పేరు AIEA

పేరులో ఉన్న స్పెల్లింగ్ గమనించండి.  అన్నీ కూడానూ A , I ,  E ,  A  ఇవి అన్నీ అచ్చులే అన్నమాట.

ఇదన్న మాట సంగతీ.....!!

కొన్ని యాదృచ్ఛికంగా సెట్ అవుతాయి.  కొన్ని అనుకొని సెట్ చేస్తారు.

ఏది ఏమైనా భాషలో ఉన్న సొగసులు అన్నీ ఇన్నీ కావు. 

మరిన్ని వివరాలకు

Aiea's History

The town of Aiea was named from a native word, which literally means Hawaiian land division. This is because its elegance and beauty were home to one of the largest sugar producing industries in the mid 1900s, and land developers back then divided land by its abundance and fertility. Aiea was one of the prime sugar producing towns of this tropical paradise. Even to this time, people are basking under the same Hawaiian heavens, enjoying the town's blessings that are willingly provided by Mother Nature.
Being just sailing distance from Pearl Harbor, with its shores directly lined up near this historically relevant island, Aiea was affected by the Second World War as much as all the other Hawaiian Islands were. Japanese ships used to flag along the coasts of this town. In an ironic fashion, local residents feared for their lives amidst the idyllic backdrop of a tropical paradise. But still, even with the destructions that came with the war, Aiea, like the rest of Hawaii was able to stand up on its two feet once again.
After the Second World War, the sugar plantations in the town were converted into sugar refineries, spearheading the re-emergence of Aiea as one of the prime sugar producing machineries of the Hawaiian Islands. But these refineries have seen the worst times of its existence, closing down and opening again to continue its business operations -- due to the demanding outcry of its people. Now the sugar refining industry of Aiea has withstood the ravages of time, and continues to be the prime sugar producing and refining machinery of this great tropical paradise island.

Aiea's Attractions

The town of Aiea can serve as a refuge to people who are troubled and harassed by day-to-day modern city living. A walk along its shores and in its natural parks would muffle any sort of frustration, for within the confines of the town, there is no room for grief and despair. A swim in its magnificent beaches would even be better, for its waters can calm the mind and spirit of any weary traveler.
But if you have to be in constant touch with your wild urban lifestyle, Aiea offers shops and restaurants that even the best cities of America could only match. A common notion of being in Hawaii is to get some relaxation and Aiea is no different, as it also provides an array of gastronomic delights in its food stores and bars. In this town, bowling seems to be the most pleasurable sport preferred by its local residents. A well known bowling joint in this Hawaiian getaway holiday community is the Aiea Bowl, a place that can be said to have withstood the test of time for years. Movie enthusiasts could even enjoy a good blockbuster flick in Aiea's Pearlridge Four-Plex, a movie house, which would rival the silver screen of Hollywood.
There are lots of business establishments around the beautiful coasts of Aiea, and these offer as much relaxation as its prime shores and ridges. There are also a number of stores and boutiques within its confines, showing off the various talents of its people as well as the business savvy of the residents.

Aiea's Economy

Aiea has been a self-sustaining town for the past few years of its existence. Given the troubles brought about by war, this Hawaiian town has regained its composure and has rebuilt its industries to shun the scars of war. Its former top sugar producing industry has been converted to a leading sugar refining machinery, which makes use of the abundance of produce and fertility of its lands the great Hawaiian heavens have blessed it with. But it has even more resources to tap than just the fertility of its lands.
Aiea has a lot of prime tourist attractions up its sleeve. Hawaii is known for its fabulous beaches and cool waters; the same thing goes for Aiea. There are also those parks and unblemished forest lands that contribute to the town's tourism industry, which is booming with such magnitude. The household income of this town, on average, reaches up to $71,155 in a year, which is comparably higher than most of the towns in Hawaii. This is because the good life in Aiea is not limited to digits or numbers, for people enjoy the Hawaiian heavens without being alienated to the convenience of what modernization has to provide.
Moreover, Aiea still has a lot of local business establishments to boot. There are restaurants, shops, boutiques, cinemas, and bowling joints -- all of which can be usually found only in big and urban cities. But the difference of this town's bustling business communities from the cities is an integral balance of its natural beauty and fast-paced living standards.


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సాంకేతిక సహాయంతో తయారు చేయు ఇంగ్లీష్ పాఠ్యాంశాలు విద్యార్ధులకు సులభంగా అర్థం కాగలవు ప్రత్యేకంగా..విద్యార్థులు, మిత్రులు అందరికీ కృతజ్ఞతలుశుభం.

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